The Team Organizes a Single-Family Home
We had the sweetest couple reach out to us to help organize their entire apartment and we delivered!
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When this sweet couple reached out they wanted their apartment to be clear of clutter. They have 2 beautiful children in which they wanted to clear out some space for them to be able to play together. They shared with us their ideas about other areas of their home and what they envisioned it to be like.
Our team was able to help the clients purge and organize each area of the apartment with much ease. We made sure each area had a system specifically tailored to each individual in the home. Everything had a home and a place for the family to be bale to find items quickly and know where they needed to be stored.
The best part of this project were how beautiful the closets turned out. The team did a fantastic job making sure everything was labeled, accessible and organized for the client's family.